Sarah Cullen

With a degree in Photography and Journalism, Sarah has always had a strong interest in story telling through various mediums. After graduating, she moved to Manchester, UK, to embark on a new life and professional career in the city, after having grown up in the sleepy countryside of Suffolk. Gathering various work experiences across both creative fields, she landed a new role as Editorial Assistant in 2017 for arc magazine at [d]arc media. Sarah quickly rose up the ranks to become Editor for darc magazine within four years. She is now responsible for content sourcing and creation within the magazine and across its digital platforms. Sarah also plays an active role in [d]arc media’s events – the [d]arc awards, LiGHT, and [d]arc sessions. Sarah has an ever-growing passion for interior design and decorative lighting design and continues to immerse herself in the industry to broaden her knowledge and network of industry friends.